Friday, June 24, 2016


So Mayo never said this to me … [go figure – they didn’t tell me a few other things too] … but I have to wonder if my first tumor should’ve been classified as a grade 2 astrocytoma with anaplastic features. Parts of my tumor were heading for a grade 3 when they did the biopsy; Grade 3 and anaplastic are interchangeable, from my reading. The location of my tumor also fits the description.

"Other common sites for anaplastic astrocytomas include the part of the brain that contains the thalamus and hypothalamus (diencephalon), the lower area of brain near the back of the neck that controls movement and balance (cerebellum), and the spinal cord. Tumors in the diencephalon region may cause headaches, fatigue, weakness of the arms and legs, vision problems, and hormonal imbalances."

We’re way beyond that now, but it still makes me wonder.

Fight like Hell.

Saturday, June 18, 2016

One Organ Less

"'It's really strange to live, you know, just sort of maintaining your cancer,' she said. 'Without being able to have an operation, I have to just rely on [chemotherapy] until medicine hopefully catches up with cancer a little more.'" [Karen Walsh, via Huffington Post article]

She has a different cancer, but until there's something to successfully cure GBM, that's what I'm doing too.

We're likely having to extend my every 3 weeks infusion treatment an extra week this time because of surgery to remove my asshole gall bladder. We haven't heard back from my oncologist yet on that matter.

Even though it was laparoscopic surgery,  frick - I'm sore. My abdominal muscles  are so angry. I have to carefully roll on my side and use my arms to push myself up to sitting. I'm not supposed to lift over 10 lbs (full milk jug). In about 2 weeks, we'll have a post-op appointment with my surgeon.

I had way too much hospital time.

Fight like hell.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Damn Gall Bladder

For once, I ended up in the ER for something unrelated to my brain – not that I enjoy being there at all. The only – ONLY! – nice thing about being in the hospital is the adjustable beds. That’s it. And maybe the dilaudid.

Apparently my paternal grandmother had her gall bladder out, but I don’t know if that matters genetically. We thought at first that the gall bladder attack/stones may be related to the Avastin infusions, but my oncologist said that it would’ve taken longer to develop the stones than I’ve been on the Avastin. 

Just lucky, I guess. :-/ Also, my oncologist put the halt on them removing my gall bladder because of the bleeding risk from the Avastin. So… I still have all of my organs.

And now I’m further restricted, which pisses me off the most. I wasn’t able to eat anything even mildly spicy to begin, and now I can’t have anything that isn’t low fat. They’re just trying to take away all of my fun.

I think it’ll be a good week before I get this tape residue off and before the iv bruise goes away (Not real pleased I even had to get an IV, but it was the wrong gauge needle in my port for CT contrast].

N. is a saint for always being right by my side, through all of this bullshit. Apparently having aggressive, incurable brain cancer isn't enough.

Just another day in paradise …

Fight like Hell. 

[Yesterday vs. August 2015]

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Go Go Gadget Eyes

Last week I had my usual Wednesday appointments and infusion. My oncologist was surprised that my eyes have improved yet again. Slowly but surely, my eyes are getting better. I don’t know what that means for me being able to drive again at some point.

I went to the young survivors group at Gilda’s club last week, as well. For the first time, I met another person that had astrocytoma glioblastoma. She was on Avastin too, and has been off of it for several years now without recurrence. This gives me hope that there’s an end in sight for me! 

The foster kitties are pretty humorous. Our little guy Bashful cannot keep his tongue in his mouth. What a Goof!  

Fight like Hell.

Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The Bittiest Kitties

Yesterday I had my two month MRI. My oncologist didn’t call when he received the images like he usually does, but I just figured that was because we see him Wednesday for my normal appointment/infusion day. ... That means this is a double chest stabbing week. :-/ 

He called this morning though – scan was good! I'm still in remission!!!

Our new fosters are pretty happy about it too. Heh.  :-)

Fight like Hell.

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Book Nerd

This is what recovery from major brain surgery and fighting brain cancer looks like. I'm not letting the bitchcancer take away one of the things I love to do.

Fight like hell.

Friday, February 5, 2016


Wednesday was my oncologist appointment and infusion. Everything looked good with my labs so we were able to go ahead with the full dose. These lab results reinforced that we made the correct decision 2 weeks ago and that the protein in my urine was probably just a fluke [yay for fully functioning kidneys!].

My oncologist went over my MRI with us to show what he told us on the phone. The scan showed improvement from the previous scan two months ago. There is still an abnormal spot in the tumor cavity, but it hasn't grown and has remained stable. That is our goal, for my brain to remain stable and no regrowth. For the first time, my oncologist used the word remission. I am technically in remission!!! 

Also, We asked my oncologist if I had any travel restrictions, and thankfully I do not, as we will be travelling to Washington DC in May for Police Week. Ryan’s name will be added to the police memorial this year. n. has been asked to be the liaison for Amanda and their families.

Fight like Hell.

Monday, January 25, 2016

Crazy Cats and Bitty Kitties

Today was my monthly MRi. Good News! My oncologist called this afternoon to let us know that my scan from earlier today showed no signs of recurrence and that my brain is stable. Last Wednesday when I had my appointment with Dr. Robins I surprised him; my eyes had improved a lot, and I had been able to read 34 pages in a row without eye fatigue. I’ll have to tell him next Wednesday that I’ve been able to read even more since that night. I’m fighting like hell, and I’m slowly getting myself back.

We all know that I’m a bit of a crazy cat lady, so when I saw that my craft hero was going to be releasing Crazy Cat stamps, I freaked out. I had to have them! My friend Stephanie Hamen reached out to Tim and Mario to see if they could help me get my hands on the stamps (for which I would gladly pay). Tim and Mario are so nice and thoughtful! I had a package arrive today with the Crazy Cat stamps and a colorful note from Tim.

I opted for a late lunch and a nap when we got home from my MRI today, but tomorrow my hands will be covered in ink from playing with the crazy cat stamps. SQUEEP!

Fight like Hell.

P.s. I love our tiny foster kitties. They're a handful, but so cute and playful.

Wednesday, January 6, 2016


Two weeks ago, we had to hold my infusion because of my lab results. My oncologist wasn't concerned about an additional week in between my infusions. They had to take me out of the study I was in because of that, but really that has no impact on my treatment. It actually gives us more flexibility if we need to tweak my dosages. It was nice to finally get some decent news today. My labs came back good, so I was able to get my infusions, as normal. The lidocaine actually worked today, which was a plus.

We got our new foster kittens on Tuesday with their mama. They came in to the shelter without names, so we got to name them. Mama’s name is Charlie, and her angels are Aladdin (Al), Jasmine, and Raja. They’re definitely in the flying kitten stage. They’re so dang cute, I can hardly handle it.

Fight like Hell.