Wednesday was my oncologist appointment and
infusion. Everything looked good with my labs so we were able to go ahead with
the full dose. These lab results reinforced that we made the correct decision 2
weeks ago and that the protein in my urine was probably just a fluke [yay for
fully functioning kidneys!].
My oncologist went over my MRI with us to show what he told us on the phone. The scan showed improvement from the previous scan two months ago. There is still an abnormal spot in the tumor cavity, but it hasn't grown and has remained stable. That is our goal, for my brain to remain stable and no regrowth. For the first time, my oncologist used the word remission. I am technically in remission!!!
Also, We asked my oncologist if I had any travel restrictions, and thankfully I do not, as we will be travelling to Washington DC in May for Police Week. Ryan’s name will be added to the police memorial this year. n. has been asked to be the liaison for Amanda and their families.
Fight like Hell.